1. Заполните пропуски в предложениях словами из рамки. Одно слово в рамке лишнее.
length especially smell breathe
foreign advice consists curious
1) Do you know the real of that river?
2) He wants to read more because he is a very boy.
3) Do you study any language?
4) Oh, what's a nice ! Is that a flower?
5) Don't move and try to deeply!
6) Our plan of three parts.
7) Thank you for your ! We've followed it.
2. Соотнесите две части предложений.
1) I used to walk near British Museum a) has real power.
2) Both England and Scotland b) and so have I.
3) Neither the Queen nor the Royal Family c) because I liked this place.
4) For 5 years he has lived in London d) is a museum.
5) Either National Gallery or Trafalgar Square e) and neither have I.
6) They have never seen the Alpes f) are the parts of the UK.

3. Выберите из скобок правильное слово.
1) If he (won't / doesn't / didn't) sneeze, I'll visit him.
2) She (feels / is feeling / felt) good now.
3) Ann said that she (would go / went / go) in for climbing next Sunday.
4) These bottles of milk are (ourselves / ours / us).
5) We (are singing / sang / were singing) at 7 yesterday.
6) He told when he (had been / has been / been) to Moscow.
7) She asks (does / if / on) he is sick.
8) They are from Cardiff, (are / do / aren't) they?
9) The news (was / were / been) interesting.
10) He (didn't hear / hasn't heard / doesn't hear) about it since last week.
11) The books (sell / have sold / are sold) at the bookshop.
12) Do you know about (a / an / the) Atlantic Ocean?
13) Ted asked where I (rode / ride / rided) my bicycle.
14) We have no meat and tomorrow I (will go / am going / go) to the butcher's.
15) I have bought a car (this week / next month / last year).
5. Прочитайте текст и кратко ответьте на во после него.
A surprise for Peter

Once there was a boy and his name was Peter. Peter was often ill and he was often sad, “I can't go to school and I can't see my friends!"
Peter's mother, Mrs Clark, was a painter. She was a very good painter. One day she had a wonderful idea. "I'm going to put my paints and paper into my bag. Then I'm going to go to Peter's school."
All Peter's friends were at the school. “How is Peter?" they asked. “He’s very sad, but you can help," said Peter's mother. “I have a wonderful idea!"
Peter's mother painted and painted. She painted Peter's friends and Peter's teacher. She painted the school and the school nurse. She painted the football coach on the playground and the dinner lady. Then she said, “Now I am going to go home."
Peter woke up early the next morning. He looked all around him, “I can see all my friends!" His friends were everywhere! After that his friends were in Peter's room every day. Peter was happy!
1) What was the boy's name?
2) What was the boy's mother?
3) Mrs Clark said that she had a bad idea, didn't she?
4) Who was painted by Mrs Clark on the playground?
5) Where was Peter’s mother going to go after painting?
6) Was Peter happy when he had seen all his friends around him?

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