№1. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу вариантами.

1. Mechanics have to cars.

a. produce b) repair c) sell

2. Secretaries have to the telephone.

a. keep b) answer c) explain

3. Teachers have to children how to read and write.

a. teach b) save c) help

4. Lawyers have to study and laws.

a. carry b) deliver c) explain

5. Architects have to bridges and buildings.

a. design b)built c) work

№ 2. Откройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в правильной форме, используя Past Simple и Past Perfect.

1. Before we (to come) home we (to buy) a lot of food.

2. Before Captain Cook (to go) to the Antarctic he (to be) to Australia.

3. Ushakov (to take) part in the Russo-Turkish war before he (to become) an admiral.

4. Before my parents (to visit) London they (to see) a film about it.

5. She (not/to act) in Hollywood before she (to start) to work there in 1839.

№3. Поставьте во к подлежащему и все возможные специальные во к данному предложению (всего 6 во

elyakiselya17 elyakiselya17    1   23.05.2020 13:22    14

пишитеответ пишитеответ  15.10.2020 07:00


1. Mechanics have to repair cars.

2. Secretaries have to answer the telephone.

3. Teachers have to teach children how to read and write.

4. Lawyers have to study and explain laws.

5. Architects have to design bridges and buildings.


1. came, had bought

2. went, had gone

3. had taken, became

4. visited, had seen

5. hadn’t acted, stayed


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