1. заполните пропуски глаголами does (doesn't), do (don't), did (didn't). we go to the university on saturdays. how german get to work? we go to the library last week. 2. постройте вопросы. образец 1. how long / you / know / kevin? how long have you known kevin? образец 2. you / ever / be / to spain? have you ever been to spain? which countries / you / visit? 3. постройте вопросы. образец: paul / work / today? is paul working today? what / the children / do? what are the children doing? the sun / shine?

ivanochka02kasik ivanochka02kasik    1   03.09.2019 19:20    4

tka4ukilia2017 tka4ukilia2017  06.10.2020 15:29
1. Don't
2. Which countries did you visit?
3. Is the sun shining?
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