№1. Запиши сравнительную и превосходную степени прилагательных: a. Strong
b. Small
c. Cold
d. Slim
e. Hot
f. Funny
g. Good
h. Interesting

№2.Раскрой скобки:
1. Apples are (tasty) than lemons.
2. Autumn is(warm) than winter.
3. Whale is(big) animal in the world.
4. Spring is(beautiful) season.
5. Mountains are(high) than hills.
6. The Nile is(long) river.

№3. Составь предложения из данных слов:
1.of Russia , the capital, is, Moscow.

2.dirtier, towns, are, countries, than.

3.the highest, Everest, in the world, mountain, is.

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tagirrulit tagirrulit    2   02.02.2022 03:19    9

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