1)замените в следующих предложениях действительный залог страдательным обращая внимание на времена групы continuous (a), perfect (b). 1) the students are taking examinations in the next room. (a) 2) the students had translated the text before the bell rang. (b) 2)где здесь придаточные предложения? определите их типы. he said, "i don't feel well today". he asked me, "what time is it? " i didn't know, "does he know history well? " i said to him, "don't tell anybody about it".

liquidchannel liquidchannel    2   02.06.2019 01:00    2

kharchenko219633 kharchenko219633  02.07.2020 22:52
1) The examinations are being taken by the students in the next room.
2) The text  had been translated by the students before the bell rang.
Где здесь придаточные предложения? Определите их типы. - Прямая речь.
"I don't feel well today".
"What time is it?"
"Does he know history well?"
"Don't tell anybody about it".
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