1) Закончите следующие предложения, используя подходящий по смыслу глагол в Past Simple. Назовите маркеры времени. Arrive, ask, decide, hurry, park, stop, visit, watch a) Three days ago I … an art gallery. b) We … TV last night. c) Last Tuesday I was late, so I … to school. d) The day before yesterday we … the car in the car park. e) Yesterday evening we … to have pizza for dinner. f) What time is it? – I … her. g) The bus … opposite the library five minutes ago. h) I … at the railway station at ten to seven. 3) Перепишите следующие предложения в времени. a) I walk to school every day. b) They agree to meet at six o’clock. c) Kevin jogs in the park before breakfast. d) Sue studies maths at school. e) The bus stops near the school. f) We watch TV after dinner.​

danielasaske4 danielasaske4    3   21.04.2020 15:19    0

makka23 makka23  13.10.2020 14:38


a) visited

b) watched

c) hurried

d) parked

e) decided

f) asked

g) stopped

h) arrived


a) I walked to school every day last year.

b) They agreed to meet at six o'clock.

c) Kevin jogged in the park before breakfast.

d) Sue studied maths at school.

e) The bus stopped near the school.

f) We watched TV after dinner yesterday.

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