1. Закончите предложения, выбрав правильный ответ из предложенных вариантов. Обведите его в кружок. 1 . The plane …. In 30 minutes.

a. takes off b. take off c. is taking off

2. If you … less, you’ll lose some extra weight.

a. don’t eat b. will eat c. eat

3. It seems than it is.

а. gooder b. best c. worse

4. The phone … when my mother was cooking dinner.

a. rang b. was ringing c. ringed

5. If you … the exam, you won’t enter the university.

а. won’t pass b. wouldn’t pass c. don’t pass

2. Закончите диалог подходящими по смыслу словами. В каждом случае вам предложена подсказка - первая буква слова.

John: Have you planned your 1) s holiday yet?

Sam: Of course! I’m leaving next Monday.

John: Where are you 2) g?

Sam: My 3) p have booked me a week at Campbell’s Adventure Camp.

John: Adventure Camp? What’s that all about?

Sam: It’s a 4) t camp in Redwood National Park.

John: Wow! You’re lucky! I’ve never been to an adventure camp.

Sam: Well, would you 5) l to come with me? If you come, you’ll learn how to put up tents, build fires, make tree houses and survive in the 6) f!

John: Thanks, but I’m 7) a I can’t.

Sam: Why not? Have you already made other plans?

John: No, I haven’t. I just don’t think my parents will let me.

Sam: Well, if I talk to them, maybe they’ll let you.

John: Really? Thanks, Sam! You’re a true 8) f.

Sam: You know what they say. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

3. Заполните пропуски, преобразуя выделенные слова так, чтобы они лексически соответствовали смыслу предложений.

Например: Kate was a … lady. BEAUTY- ответ: beautiful

1. We thought of driving to Berlin, but in the end we .…. FLY

2. Could you ask the to slow down a bit, please? DRIVE

3. Experienced will enjoy our hotel's comfortable double rooms. TRAVEL

4. Paris is really .… in the spring. Shall we go? ATTRACT

AnyMaskelyne AnyMaskelyne    2   11.05.2021 14:06    14

April3369 April3369  10.06.2021 14:08

1. a. takes off

2. c. eat

3. c. worse

4. a. rang

5. c. don’t pass

2. Закончите диалог подходящими

1) summer

2) going

3) parents

4) tent

5) like

6) forest

7) afraid

8) friend

3. Заполните пропуски,

1. flew

2. driver

3. traveller

4. attractive


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