1. you like to visit the capital tomorrow? 1) Would
2) do

2. Would you the black T-shirt or the white one?
2) want

3. I'd to go to the new shopping centre to see some new mobile phones.
1) like
2) want

4.She to meet at the bus station.
1) doesn't want
2) wouldn't prefer

5.Would you to go to the bookshop?
1) like
2) want

6.I to live in that block.
1) wouldn't like
2) don't prefer

варваритос2020 варваритос2020    2   28.04.2021 13:34    1

Alihan1970 Alihan1970  28.04.2021 13:40

1. 1)

2. 1)

3. 1)

4. 1)

5. 1)

6. 1)


Меня канешно чуть смущает что все ответы 1, но как по мне правильно

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