1. Write the correct reflexive pronoun in the gap.
1. Do you think he can do it by ?
2. We are going to the shops by .
3. I cooked dinner .
4. The doctor told Pat and John to look after .
5. Did you hurt badly in the accident?
6. The lamp switched off by .

2. Fill in the gaps with apart, behind or out.
1. Julie fell with her brother because he wasn’t nice to her.
2. This book is falling . I have to buy a new one.
3. He fell in his work because he was on holiday.

3. Fill in the correct word.
sore, sprain, ache, miserable, flu, appointment, hurt, chip
1. Jane didn’t go to work today as she had a stomach .
2. Tom has his back and has to rest.
3. He has a high temperature. I think he’s coming down with the .
4. Can I have some tea with honey, please? My throat is .
5. What’s wrong with your wrist? Did you it?
6. You have to go to a dentist when you a tooth.

4. Use the prompts to complete the phrases.
sit, move, throw, argue, lose, practise
1. to house 2. to with someone
3. to an exam 4. to a party
5. to something valuable

5. Match the words in Column A to the words in Column B.
1. wash A. a painkiller
2. eat. B. a cool pack on your forehead
3. get C. a light meal
4. put D. plenty of fluids
5. take E. with cold water
6. drink F. some rest

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