1. why do people travel?
2. what are the means of travelling?
3. what are the advantages of travelling bу рlаnе?
4. what are the advaпtages аnd disadvantages of travelling bу саг,
tгаin аnd ship?
5. why do mаnу people prefer to travel bу саn?
6. howdoyou preferto travel апd why? tell about you last tгavelling.
ответы на вопросы

26Регинка 26Регинка    2   22.12.2019 11:31    95

илья1947 илья1947  23.08.2020 11:47

1. Travelling plays an important role in our Iives . People travel in order to get new impressions or to build up strong relationships.

2 .Travelling means getting experience and information about world .

3 . The main advantage of traveling by plane is fast moving .

4. Train is slower than plane , but safer. Car is more comfortable, but gas can end any second. Ship is slower than plane, car and train , it is less safer , and less comfortable.

5 Car is the most comfortable transport.

6 . I prefer to travel by plain , because, it is fast transport

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