1) Which sentence can be used to stop someone from interrupting? Виберіть одну відповідь:
a. Are you saying that we should cancel the meeting?
b. What do you think about that point?
c. Could I make a point here?
d. Can we come back to your point in a minute?
2) Which sentence can be used to clarify someone’s point?
Виберіть одну відповідь:
a. Are you saying that we should cancel the meeting?
b. We’ll come back to you in a moment.
c. Can we come back to your point in a minute?
d. Could I make a point here?
1) d. Can we come back to your point in a minute? – доволі чемний б натякнути людині, що вона перебиває
2) a. Are you saying that we should cancel the meeting? – як на мене, цим запитанням ти буквально уточнюєш, тому так