1) When the bell rang, the children (to run) … into the classroom and (to take) … their seats.
2) We (to have) … a good long holiday after we (to do) … all the work.
3) Before we (to take) … the boy to the theatre, he (never to see) … a play.
4) By the time we (to arrive) …, the party (to finish) … .
5) When I (to get) … to the playground my friend already (to leave) … so I (not to see) … him that day.
6) What you (to do) …, when I (to call) … you? I (to cook) … .​

милана200229 милана200229    2   08.05.2020 19:58    2

agm7132 agm7132  14.10.2020 12:06

1. Run/ took

2.had/ did

3.took/ saw


5. Got/left/ didn't see

6.did/called/ was cooking.


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