1. What you (to do) here now? – We (to listen) to the music. 2. You (to want) to see my girlfriend? – Yes, I … 3. Michael (to know) German rather well. He (to want) to know English too, but he (to have) little time for it. 4. Hi, what magazine you (to read) here? – It (to be) a French magazine. There (to be) good articles on sport here. You (to be) interested in sport? Yes, I … But I (not to know) French. 5. We (to have) an English lesson now. 6. Ann usually (to prepare) her homework at the Institute? -

No, she … As a rule, she (to work) at home. – And what she (to write) now? – Oh, she (to write) an article for our newspaper. 7. Where Tom and Nick (to be) now? – They (to have) coffee in the cafe.

1. I (not to belong) to a political party. 2. Hurry, the bus (to come). I (not to want) to miss it. 3. The River Nile (to flow) into the Mediterranean. 4. The river (to flow) very fast today – much faster than usual. 5. It ever (to snow) in India? 6. We usually (to grow) vegetables in our garden but this year we (not to grow) any. 7. Can you drive? - No, but I (to learn). My father (to teach) me. 8. I usually (to enjoy) parties, but I (not to enjoy) this one very much. 9. George says he is 80 years old, but I (not to believe) him. 10. Ron is in London at the moment. He (to stay) at the Hilton Hotel. He usually (to stay) at the Hilton Hotel when he (to come) to London.

kotkin kotkin    2   18.05.2020 14:32    7

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