1. What’s your sister like? - … . A) – She is pretty.

B) – She is 18.

C) – She is OK, thank you.

D) – She works hard.

E) – She is at university.

2. '' To remember '' antonym

A) To love

B) To remind

C) To please.

D) To forgive

E) To forget

3. He helped … with my homework.

A) us

B) I

C) me

D) him

E) her

4. I had … hamburger and … cup of coffee for lunch.

A) a / the

B) a / a

C) a / an

D) the / the

E) the / a

5. In England 93 per cent of children attend state schools.

A) ninety-third

B) nine three

C) nineteen three

D) ninety-three

E) ninety and three

6. 2/4

A) twenty four

B) two quarters

C) two and four

D) two point four

E) two four

7. Are you going to the party tonight? -

A) - No, I wasn’t.

B) -Yes, she is.

C) -No, you aren’t.

D) -Yes, you are.

E) –No, I am not.

8. The correct word order.

A) He always dresses smartly.

B) Always dresses he smartly.

C) He dresses smartly always.

D) He always smartly dresses.

E) He dresses always smartly.

9. We are going … Buckingham Palace.

A) to visit

B) visited

C) visiting

D) to not visit

E) visit

10. Have you ever been a broad?

A) -Yes, last year was I in Germany.

B) -Yes, I was in Germany last year.

C) -Yes, I was Germany in last year.

D) -Yes, I in Germany last year was.

E) -Yes, I in Germany was last year.

11. The right word order:

A) He always does morning exercises.

B) He does exercises always morning.

C) He does always morning exercises.

D) Exercises he always does morning.

E) Doed he always morning exercises?

12. Choose the words with common meaning:

A) examіnatіon

B) actіvіty

C) graduate

D) educatіon

E) enter

13. Find antonym

My mother is very patient.

A) kind

B) friendly

C) impatient

D) rude

E) helpful

14. Oxford is a city in England which was founded … the 9th century.

A) in

B) for

C) from

D) on

E) at

15. He wants to buy … new smartphone.

A) -

B) their

C) an

D) a

E) the

16. Which noun is singular?

A) jeans

B) shirt

C) gloves

D) shorts

E) trousers

17. Which noun is countable?

A) water

B) butter

C) potato

D) bread

E) sugar

18. The correct suffix to form an adjective from the noun «globe».

A) -ful

B) -al

C) -ous

D) -able

E) –less

19. I hate Maths. It is … subject for me.

A) difficulter

B) least difficult

C) the most difficult

D) more difficult

E) less difficult

20. Whose socks are these? – They are … .

A) my

B) her

C) your

D) their

E) mine

21. What date is it today? – It is 17th May.

A) the seventeenth of May

B) the seventieth of May

C) May seventeen

D) seventy of May

E) seventeen of May

22. Choose the right variant

When I came home, somebody my ice-cream.

A) have eaten

B) had ate

C) ate

D) had eaten

E) has eaten

23. Choose the right form of to be

She started to…on a sudden.

A) to be crying

B) cried

C) be crying

D) cry

E) crying

24. He wants … not to be late for the meeting.

A) me

B) myself

C) mine

D) I

E) my

25. If they … stop talking, the teacher … be angry.

A) doesn’t / doesn’t

B) don’t / will

C) will / don’t

D) won’t / will

E) don’t / don’t

мопдркиопм мопдркиопм    3   03.11.2020 07:32    28

manerov68 manerov68  12.02.2021 16:18

1A     2E   3C    4B     5A   6D    7E     8A    9A    10B     11C    12D      13C    

14A   15A     16D     17A    18D   19B    20A   21C     22D    23E   24C    25D


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