1.what is your favorite kind of exercise?
2. how much exercise do you get each week? do you think you get enough exercise?
3. what are some examples of 'winter sports' that you can play in the snow or on ice?
4. should schools give more time to students to play sports? why? / why not?
5. what are three examples of team sports? individual sports (sports you play alone)?
6.what strange or unusual sports do you know about?
7. do you know how to swim? is a pool or a beach the best place to swim? why?
8. what sports do you think are really boring?
9. should older people stop exercising? why? / why not?
10.did you do any exercise or play any sports yesterday? if 'yes', what kind? ​

Ventana1263 Ventana1263    1   02.10.2019 19:10    14

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