1. We would like govenments to the use of animals in circuses for entertainment *

A donate
B believe
C ban
D protest
E sign
F propose
2. We about keeping these intelligent, sociable animals in captivity. *

A end
B aim
C propose
D campaign
E believe
F protest
3. Nick got a special at the Environment Protect contest. *

A belief
B reward
C award
D benefit
E petition
F donation
4. We`d like people to the shows with animals and sign our petition for protecting them. *

A support
B believe
C propose
D boycott
E campaign
F volunteer
5. Most people can make a difference, and you don`t need to money or volunteer, just sign our online petition. *

A propose
B volunteer
C sign
D campaign
E support
F donate
6. In my opinion, many poor people to start their own businesses, but normal banks ban them from borrowing the money they need. *

A protest
B propose
C donate
D volunteer
E aim
F believe
7. He really in his sister abilities and luck, and he persuaded her to develop her cookery business in the future. *

A campaigned
B volunteered
C protested
D aimed
E believed
F ended
8. In your opinion, how can they poverty? *

A campaign
B end
C sign
D aim
E protest
F believe
9. Have you ever sign an online ? *

A donation
B end
C proposal
D protest
E campaign
F petition
10. Can you a way to make our life more fun? *

A volunteer
B donate
C boycott
D protest
E propose
F aim
11. I wouldn`t like to mobiles from schools as they are incredible devices for studying. *

A protect
B aim
C ban
D propose
E boycott
F donate
12. Mr. White has a new idea, which can help homeless people. *

A donated
B campaigned
C believed
D supported
E aim
F protest


bgs6544 bgs6544    1   09.04.2020 19:40    1

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