1. we worked hard before christmas we could really enjoy the holiday a. to b. so that a. to c, in order to 2. take you house keys in case a. have gone b. will go out when you come back. c. went 3, this bracelet is sarah. it's her birthday tomorrow! a. to b, in order to c, for 4. i have come here help you a, to b. so that c. in order to 5. concentrate on your exercise make any mistake. a. not to b, so that a, not to c. so as not to 6. she left work early be at home when he arrived a.to b, so as not to a. to c, so that 7. i will go to university continue my studies. a. in order not to b. to c, so that 8, she works hard she can earn a living. a. so that b. in order not to c. so as to 9. i'm studying very hard at the moment pass my exams next month a.so as not to b, for c. to 10. they took the taxi waste time. a. to b. so as not to c. in order to

aminoshkina aminoshkina    2   09.09.2019 13:10    1

iskanderkhusano iskanderkhusano  07.10.2020 03:13
1. We worked hard before Christmas b. so that we could really enjoy the holiday.
2. Take you house keys in case we a. have gone.
3, This bracelet is c, for Sarah.
4. I have come here a, to help you.
5. Concentrate on your exercise C. so as not to make any mistake.
6. She left work early a. to be at home when he arrived.
7. I will go to university b. to continue my studies.
8, She works hard a. so that she can earn a living.
9. I'm studying very hard at the moment pass c. to my exams next month.
10. They took the taxi b. so as not to waste time.
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