1. We watching a good documentary BBC World now.
A) are / in B) am / on C) are / on D) is / in

2. I always credit card.
A) pay / by B) am paying / with C) ’m paying / by D) pay / with

3. you a girl fair hair?
A) Do / knowing / of B) Does / know / ofC) Do / know / with D) Are / knowing / with

4. she got a dress white?
A) Does / in B) Has / on C) Have / in D) Has / in

5. is reading a letter bed now.
A) She / in B) I / in C) You / on D) He / at

6. A: What you ?
B: I’m a lecturer.
A) do / do B) are / do C) is / do D) do / doing

7. A: What she now?
B: I don’t know.
A) does / do B) do / do C) is / doing D) is / do

8. A: are we ?
B: To the class.
A) When / going B) Where / go C) When / go D) Where / going

9. A: Oh no! It . We can’t go out.
B: It always here in March.
A) is snowing / snows B) snows / ’s snowing C) ’s snow / snows D) snows / snows

10. I . Because it’s my happiest day today.
A) jumping B) jump C) ’m jumping D) jumped

11. Benedit and Nina are only salads.
Because vegetarians don’t meat.
A) eat / eat B) eating / eating C) eat / eating D) eating / eat

12. Sorry, I understand you. I speak Russian.
A) do / don’t B) do / do C) don’t / don’t D) am / am
13. A: Why we to a park?
B: A good idea!
A) do / go B) don’t / go C) aren’t / going D) are / going

14. What you to know?
A) do / want B) are / wanting C) do / wanting D) are / want

15. A: she a problem now?
B: No. She how to solve.
A) Is / solve / doesn’t / know
B) Does / solve / isn’t / knowing
C) Is / solving / doesn’t / know
D) Does / solving / doesn’t / know

Kolyanbe360 Kolyanbe360    2   18.05.2020 09:09    120

bili0909 bili0909  16.01.2024 00:12
1. We are watching a good documentary on BBC World now.
The correct answer is C) are / on. This is because the subject "we" is plural, so we need to use the plural form of the verb "are". The preposition "on" is used to indicate the channel or platform on which we are watching the documentary.

2. I always pay by credit card.
The correct answer is A) pay / by. We use the verb "pay" in the simple present tense to indicate a habitual action. The preposition "by" is used to indicate the method of payment.

3. Do you know a girl with fair hair?
The correct answer is C) Do / know / with. The verb "know" is used in the present simple tense to ask about someone's knowledge or acquaintance. The preposition "with" is used to indicate a characteristic or attribute (in this case, fair hair).

4. Does she have a white dress?
The correct answer is D) Has / in. The auxiliary verb "does" is used to form a question in the present simple tense. The verb "have" is used to indicate possession. The preposition "in" is used to indicate the color of the dress.

5. He is reading a letter in bed now.
The correct answer is D) He / at. The pronoun "he" requires the verb "is" in the present continuous tense to indicate an action happening at the moment. The preposition "in" is used to indicate the location (bed).

6. A: What do you do?
B: I'm a lecturer.
The correct answer is A) do / do. The question "What do you do?" is asking about someone's profession or occupation. The verb "do" is used in the present simple tense. The response "I'm a lecturer" indicates someone's current job or profession.

7. A: What is she doing now?
B: I don't know.
The correct answer is C) is / doing. The question "What is she doing now?" is asking about someone's current action. The verb "is" is used in the present continuous tense. The response "I don't know" indicates a lack of knowledge about the action.

8. A: Where are we going?
B: To the class.
The correct answer is D) Where / going. The question "Where are we going?" is asking about the destination. The preposition "to" is used to indicate the direction or destination. The response "To the class" indicates the specific location we are heading to.

9. A: Oh no! It is snowing. We can't go out.
B: It always snows here in March.
The correct answer is A) is snowing / snows. The verb "is snowing" is used to indicate the present continuous tense, describing an ongoing action of snowfall. The response "It always snows here in March" indicates a general fact or habitual occurrence using the simple present tense.

10. I am jumping. Because it's my happiest day today.
The correct answer is C) 'm jumping. The verb "am jumping" is used in the present continuous tense to indicate an action happening now. The response indicates the reason or cause for the action.

11. Benedit and Nina only eat salads. Because vegetarians don't eat meat.
The correct answer is C) eat / eating. The verb "eat" is used in the present simple tense to describe a habitual action. The second sentence uses the present simple tense in the negative form "don't eat" to describe a general fact or characteristic of vegetarians not eating meat.

12. Sorry, I don't understand you. I speak Russian.
The correct answer is A) do / don't. The verb "do" is used to ask a question or make a negative statement. The response "I speak Russian" states a fact or ability using the present simple tense.

13. A: Why are we going to a park?
B: A good idea!
The correct answer is D) are / going. The question "Why are we going to a park?" is asking about the purpose or reason for going to the park. The response indicates agreement with the idea using an exclamation.

14. What do you want to know?
The correct answer is A) do / want. The question "What do you want to know?" is asking about someone's curiosity or desire to obtain information. The verb "do" is used in the present simple tense.

15. A: Is she solving a problem now?
B: No. She doesn't know how to solve it.
The correct answer is C) Is / solving / doesn't / know. The question "Is she solving a problem now?" is asking about someone's current action. The verb "is" is used in the present continuous tense. The response indicates that she doesn't know how to solve the problem using the present simple tense.
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