1)We turnd down the Lees's invitation.
(accept it) I wish we

2)Your comment hurt my feelings.
(be mor considerate) I wish you

3)I didn't know you were in the hospital last week.
(tell me) I wish someone

4)That's a wonderful idea!
(think of it) I wish I

5)I can't go away for a vacation this year
(spend so much money on my car)

6)It's raining now.
(bring my umbrella this morning)

7)I'm not sure Jack is very experienced.
(listen to his advice)

8)Ted decided to change jobs very quickly.
(have more time to think about it) He wishes

9)My cousin got married in another country, but I didn't have enough money to go.
(be able to go)

PrinssesBublGum1337 PrinssesBublGum1337    3   03.05.2020 16:18    3

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