1. we to an agreement on the terms of payment before you arrived. a) have come b) had come c) came 2. the company a contract for 2 hours. a) have been negotiated b) have been negotiating c) have negotiated 3. since the 1980s they extremely successful. a) have been b) were c) had been 4. the price of petrol down by about 1%. a) had gone b) has gone c) has been gone 5. at a company for seven years before he started his own business. a) was working b) has been working c) had been working 6. we any final decisions yet. a) didn't make b) haven't made c) have made

mishaikatya mishaikatya    2   22.05.2019 12:01    1

sashaShelsy sashaShelsy  17.06.2020 23:40

1 b

2 b

3 c


5 c

6 b

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