1. we'll go for a picnic if the weather (be) fine tomorrow. 2. if i (be) you, i would never do such a stupid thing 3. he (not/become) a doctor if he didn't like people. 4. if you don't phone me first, i ) in touch with you myself. 5. (do) if you have to leave this job? 6. if you buy any more books, we /heve) any place to sleep. 7. i would giv you a lift if my car (work)

бб0бб бб0бб    1   18.09.2019 03:20    2

Kukushka2281337 Kukushka2281337  07.10.2020 23:09
1 we'll go for a picnic if the weather is fine tomorrow.
2 if I were you, I would never do such a stupid thing.
3 he wouldn't become a doctor, if he didn't like people.
4 if you don't phone me first, I will get in touch with you myself.
5 what will you do if you have to leave this job?
6 if you buy any more books, we won't have any place to sleep.
7 I would give you a lift if my car worked.
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