1. We learn English at college.

1.Dowe learn English at college? 2. Did we learn English at college?3. Will you learn English at college?

2. London is one of the … cities in the world.

1. bigger; 2. most bigger; 3.biggest.

3. When I … in London I hope to visit a friend of mine.

1. was 2. аm 3. have been 4. will be

4. The documents ... now.

1. checked 2. are checking 3. have been checked 4. are being checked

5. I didn't know the answer because I … the book.

1. wouldn't read 2. don't read 3. hadn't read 4. didn't read

6. By the time we came back, the house ... by an American.

1. was bought 2. had been bought 3. bought 4. will be bought

vladimirshmele1 vladimirshmele1    1   08.04.2020 20:53    57

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