1. We / forbidding / questionable / reached / indeed / had / a / and / neighbourhood.
2. Long / of / coarse / relieved / houses / lines / only / dull / brick / by / were /
the / glare.
3. None / other / of / the / were / houses / inhabited.
4. There / was / Oriental / incongruous / something / figure / commonplace / strangely /
in / this / framed / in / the / doorway.
5. We / the / common / worse / sordid / Indian / down / a / and / passage, / ill-lit / and /
followed / furnished.

Lily566 Lily566    1   14.05.2020 11:37    4

hlamshtein hlamshtein  14.10.2020 18:15

3 none of other were houses inhabited


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