1. Выполните упражнение 15, стр. 95, ЛГП. 1. The music sounds (loud / loudly)
2. Meg looked at John (sad / sadly) but said nothing.
3. He did the job (brilliant / brilliantly).
4. The weather has changed suddenly and my granny doesn’t feel (good / well).
5. The pie tastes (sweet / sweetly). You’ve put too much sugar in it.
6. Julia got a bad mark in English and she looks (unhappy / unhappily).
7. The road looks (dangerous / dangerously) to me. You shouldn’t cross it.
8. Ben’s accent sounds really (strange / strangely). I don’t understand what he says.
9. Some people think that lilies smell (awful / awfully).
10. Len acted (bad / badly) today.
11. Mark’s answer at the lesson was rather poor. The teacher looked at him (strict / strictly).
12. Pete said everything so (quiet / quietly) that nobody heard him.

mudruivitya mudruivitya    1   05.05.2021 09:48    4

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