1.Выберите правильный вариант ответа.Present Perfect,Past Simple or Past Progressive. 1.She (has written,wrote,was writing)this exercise yesterday at 8 o’clock.
2.I (passed,have passed,was passing) my exam in history today.
3.He (read,has read, was reading)a book two days ago.
4.I (made,have made,was making)my report when you entered the hall.
2.Раскройте скобки употребляя нужную форму времени.
1. By the time the guests (come),she still (not be ready).
2.Mother (cook)dinner before he (come).
3.She (say)that they (meet)in 1990 for the first time.
4.The secretary still (type)when the boss (come)in and (put)some documents on the table.

4.Найдите и исправьте ошибки.
1.Your friend play tennis very well.
2.Where is John?-He prepares his lesson;he usually prepares them at that time.
3.I could not answer your call.I worked in the garden then.
4.The children played while their mother put the room in order.
5.Образуйте вопросительные предложения.
1.When she (do)this task?
2.Why you (not listen)to me while I (speak)?
3.You (be)to Broadway?
4.What new places she (show)to you?

Serdechkiцветочек Serdechkiцветочек    1   15.06.2020 02:04    4

katywwka katywwka  15.10.2020 14:00

1.She (has written,wrote,was writing)this exercise yesterday at 8 o’clock.

Was writing

2.I (passed,have passed,was passing) my exam in history today.

Have passed

3.He (read,has read, was reading)a book two days ago.


4.I (made,have made,was making)my report when you entered the hall.

Was making

4.Найдите и исправьте ошибки.

1.Your friend play tennis very well.


2.Where is John?-He prepares his lesson;he usually prepares them at that time.

He is preparing his lesson

3.I could not answer your call.I worked in the garden then.

I was working

4.The children played while their mother put the room in order.

The children were playing

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