1. Выбери правильный ответ.
1) We …… to the beach every weekend.
a) went b) goes c) go
2) They …… the League last year.
a) won b) win c) wined
3) My family ……….London next month.
a) is going to visit b) go to visit c) will going
4) They…a house in London.
a) has got b) have got c) have to got
5) In her free time my sister……cartoons on TV.
a) watch b) watches c) is watching
6) They …….me with my homework now.
a) help b) are helping c) is helping

2. Расставить предложения в нужном порядке, чтобы получился связный рассказ.
a) He gave her a tennis racket in 1910 and then Suzanne played tennis all the time.
b) She also won the French Championship six times from 1920 to 1926.
c) In 1919, she won her first Wimbledon Championship.
d) She was often ill as a child so her father decided she needed to do lots of sport to become strong.
e) Her father trained her.
f) Suzanne Lenglen was born in France in 1899.

3 Выбери нужное наречие или прилагательное.
1 Tiger can run quick / fast.
2 Please be quiet / quietly!
3 Elephants can swim good / well.
4 Is this snake safe / safely?

4. Напиши утвердительные или отрицательные предложения, используя There is или There are; a, some, any
1. egg. (+)
2. sandwiches.(-)
3. water. (+)
4. café. (-)
5. meat (-)

Бацио Бацио    1   10.04.2020 11:16    33

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