1. Вставьте следующие слова в предложения:

waste, pollurion, protect, factory, recycled, emissions, damage, environmentalists

1.During the last hundred years we have done great……..to the environment.
2. There’s a large chemical……..in our town which has polluted the river twice in the last year.
3. The Government is very worried about the ……..of our rivers and beaches.
4. A lot of household……..like bottles and newspapers can be……..and used again.
5…………are furious with the American Government for delaying measures which will reduce greenhouse gas………
6. There are lots of things we can all do to ……..the environment.

2.Соотнесите слова под цифрами со словами под буквами, чтобы получились употребляющиеся сочетания:

1. global
2. greenhouse
3. ozone
4. acid

a. rain
b. warming
c. effect
d. layer

3. Вставьте слова в пропуски.

acid rain, ozone layer, global warming, greenhouse effect

1. The gradual rise in the Earth’s temperature is known as ……… .
2. When heat gets trapped in the Earth’s atmosphere, it is known as the ……… .
3. Scientists have found holes in the ……… , particularly over Antarctica.
4. Rain mixed with toxic chemicals from factories is known as ……… .

4.Вставьте слова в пропуски:

floods, radiation, sea level, climate, deserts, ice caps, oceans, gases

Scientists have shown that the temperature on Earth is increasing by 0.1° every ten years. That’s one degree every century. The (1)…… that arc produced by factories and cars are allowing more (2)……..from the sun to reach Earth. In the future this will have very serious consequences for humanity.

As the Earth gets hotter, the Arcric and Antarctic (3)………….will slowly melt and the level of the (4)……..will rise. A recent report says that the (5)…………. will rise by 70 metres over the next hundred years, causing (6)……..in many low-lying parts of the world.

There will be (7)………changes, too. Some areas will become wetter while others will become much drier. Some areas which today are green and fertile will eventually turn into (8)……..Tropical diseases like malaria will become common in areas where today they are unknown.

5. Вставьте следующие выражения в текст:

natural habitats, in danger of extinction, long-term, natural resources, way of life, indigenous people, destruction, future generations

The (1)……….of the rainforest is very worrying. Thousands of acres of forest are being cut down every year and the (2)……….of many animals are being destroyed. As a result, many species are (3)………. .

This, in turn, threatens the traditional (4)……….of many of the (5)……….who live in some of the most remote areas of our planet. As with most environmental issues, we need to think more (6)……….and realise that everything we do has implications for (7)………. .

If we want to hand on our world to our children and grandchildren, we simply can’t continue to misuse the world’s (8)……….as we are at the moment.

6. Вставьте следующие выражения в текст:

heavily polluted, cloud of pollution, uninhabitable, air quality

The (1)……….in many of the world’s largest cities is so poor that we have seen an enormous increase in chest and lung illnesses such as asthma. These cities are (2)……….and some are permanently covered by a (3)………. . Unless we begin to take the problems more seriously and start to do something about them, many of our biggest cities, particularly in the developing world, will become (4)………. .

7.Соотнесите слова под цифрами со словами под буквами, чтобы получились употребляющиеся сочетания:

1. unleaded
2. public
3. recycling
4. bottle
5. environmentally
6. renewable

b. friendly
c. energy
d. point
e. transport
f. petrol

Rekryt123 Rekryt123    2   17.04.2020 16:07    93

пахан50 пахан50  17.04.2020 16:30

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