1. вставьте глагол have или has. i a family. i , mother, two sisters and a brother. my parents got many relatives. my mother three sisters and a brother. my father cousins. my grandparents grandchildren. my aunt niece and a nephew. my uncle two children. henry a wife. eliza husband. 2. в контексте темы «pets / животное» повторить тему «pets / питомцы» 1. вставьте глагол have или has. i a dog. my dog a puppy. jane got a cat. her cat kittens. jack and a parrot. their parrot wings. tigers teeth. foxes tails. rabbits tails. rats coats. the dog big bone. the cat long tail. the dog short legs. 3. в контексте темы «clothes / одежда» повторить тему «clothes / одежда» 1. вставьте глагол have или has. i a red cap. we white hats. harry grey shoes. jerry black boots. my mother long dress. my father shorts. the woman nice skirt. the man black shirt. the boy a white t-shirt. 4. в контексте темы «appearance / внешность» повторить тему «appearance / внешность» 1. вставьте глагол have или has. eyes. he a short nose. his sister hair. she nice smile. her sister thick hair. they legs. the man feet. the woman a beautiful face. the boy ears. the girl a long neck.