1. вставьте, где это необходимо, артикль: a/an, the 1. i haven’t got car. 2. students are going to write test. test consists of five tasks. 3. what interesting film! 4. usa is fourth largest country in world russia, canada and republic of china. 2. вставьте: am, is, are 1. i a student. 2. everybody ready. 3. the news good. 4. they my friends. 3. подчеркните правильную форму множественного числа существительных: family – (familys, families, familes) wolf – ( wolfs, wolfes, wolves) fish – (fish, fishs, fishes) money – ( moneys, money, нет множ.числа) copy-book – (copy-books, copies-books, copys-books) 4. степени сравнения прилагательных. подчеркните правильную форму прилагательного: 1. mary is (tall) than her friends. (as tall as, taller, the tallest) 2. john is (good) player in our team. (the goodest, better, the best) 3. your dog is not (big) as mine. (as big, so big, bigger) 4. football is (popular) sport in our country. (more popular, the popularest, the most popular) 5. местоимения: замените местоимение : 1. can ( help ( 2. ( like this picture. 3. is this ( book? no, ( is not ( 4. give ( ( photo. 6. “much” или “many” you watch tv too how money have you got?

kr2804ilyagmailcom kr2804ilyagmailcom    3   26.07.2019 02:20    2

Annet225 Annet225  24.09.2020 19:08
1. 1) a
2) -,the,-
4) The, the, the, - ,-,-,-
2. 1)am
2) are
3) is
4) are
3. 1)taller
2) the best
3) bigger
4) the most popular
5. 1) Can I help you?
2) I like this picture
3)is this you book? no, it is not my
4) Give me you photo.
6. 1)much
2) many
ПростоЧел228 ПростоЧел228  24.09.2020 19:08
6. 1) much 2)much
5. I,you,I,your,it,mine,me,your
4. taller,the best,as big, the most popular
3. families,wolves,fish,нет мн.ч,copy-books
2. am,is,is,are
1. a,-,a,the, an,the,the,the,-,-,the,-.
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