1. вставьте артикль the, где необходимо. 1) the french name of river rhine is rhin. 2) everest was first climbed in 1953. 3) milan is in the north of . 5) africa is much larger than europe. 6) france and britain are separated by channel. 7) next year we are going skiing in swiss alps. 8) chicago is on michigan. 9) steven has travelled a lot in middle east. 10) the highest mountain in is . 2. выберите правильный вариант. 1) her eyes reflected her unhappiness and hurt/hurtion. 2) it's a wastion/waste of time trying to argue with him. 3) the b vitamins give protection/protect against infection. 4) some changes in the care-giving situation need explotion/exploration. 5) introduction/introdution should be just a commentary. 6) the predict/prediction proved correct. 7) she felt a strong attraction/attract to him. 8) the best support/supportion for a camera is a tripod. 9) indiana tornado deals death and destruction/destroytion. 10) his researtion/research has been fruitful.

usereldoc9857 usereldoc9857    2   16.06.2019 09:40    2

serikon1 serikon1  13.07.2020 07:27
1 the
6 the channel
7 the
8 the lake
9 the
10 the kilmanjaro
1 hurt
2 wastion
3 protection
4 exploration
5 introduction
6 prediction
7 attract
8 support
9 destruction
10 researtion
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