1. вставить артикли a/an или the, где необходимо. … doctor told me to take these three pills … three times … day but he forgot to write out … prescription. … weather was terrible … last summer and … roses in our garden didn’t look nice. is … malta in … mediterranean? where are … sweets i bought … day before yesterday? i left them on … kitchen table. the highest point of earth is … mount everest in … himalayas. … buckingham palace is the official residence of … royal family. i have just had … accident so i am in … hospital.

zubayr3 zubayr3    3   30.05.2019 15:00    2

Fox1114 Fox1114  30.06.2020 16:14
A doctor told me to take these three pills  three times day but he forgot to write out A prescription. 
 THE weather was terrible.
 THE last summer roses in our garden didn’t look nice.
 Is you in Malta in THE Mediterranean?
Where are sweets I bought THE day before yesterday?
 I left them on A kitchen table.
The highest point of THE Earth is THE Mount Everest in THE Himalayas.
THE Buckingham Palace is the official residence of THE Royal family.
I have just had  AN accident  so I am in A hospital.
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