1). В каждой строке найти лишнее слово. 1. Shrovetide, Epiphany, Birthday, Christmas
2. Souvenir, perfume, gift, present
3. Holiday, festival, celebration, custom
4. Tradition, habit, custom, party

2). Дополнить предложения подходящими окончаниями и перевести вопросы:

1. The Day of the Russian Air Force is celebrated on the 12th of August, ?
2. Many people in Russia don’t even know that there are several special occasions in the
Russian celebrations calendar, ?
3. Easter is the most important Christian holiday in Russia, ?
4. People shouldn’t forget some important dates connected with the history of the country,
5. A foreigner will always find an interesting occasion to celebrate in Russia, ?
6. Russian Winter Festivals attract many tourists to Russia, ?
7. There are new special occasions in the Russian celebrations calendar,?
8. The British are considered to have a strong sense of humour, ?
9. You have heard a lot about the British traditions of talking about the weather and
drinking a lot of tea, ?
10.Russia is made up of 89 subjects of the Federations, ?

3). В связный текст о британском празднике вставить вместо пропусков подходящие по
смыслу слова из рамки:

Hallowe’en is… on the night of October 31. It is … … with ghosts and witches. Many years
ago people … that the …of the dead appeared on that night. Now people have Hallowe’en …
and dress as … and … . They cut eyes and a mouth in …, potatoes and other vegetables and put
… inside. In old times children dressed in white sheets, knocked at doors and asked: “Trick or
treat”. If people gave them something nice, they went away, if people didn’t, they played a
“trick” on them
believed , parties , traditionally, pumpkins , celebrated, witches, funny
ghosts , connected, candles, spirits.

Казань565 Казань565    2   06.12.2020 19:28    1

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