1. Відкрийте дужки , вживаючи дієслова у потрібному часі:
1 .Where is Pete? He (play) football in the yard. – IS PLAYING
2 .I (not /like) picture you (look ) at now. – I DON’T LIKE , LOOKING
3. He (read) books in three languages, and now he (read) a French novel. – READS , IS READING
4. They seldom(go) to the movies? - GO
5. He often (ask) me to dinner. - ASKS
6. Don't come into the room. Father (work) there now. – IS WORKING
7. Where are you( go)? I (go) to the library. – GOING , I’M GOING
8. Who (knock) at the door? – IS KNOCKING
9. What this word (mean)? - MEANS
10. Peter (come) to us next week. - COMES

2. Перекладіть речення з інфінітивом ЗА ОПОЗДАНИЕ
2. Mary was sorry to leave so early. – МЕРИ БЫЛО ЖАЛЬ УХОДИТЬ ТАК РАНО
3. He is ashamed to have seen in his old clothes. – ЕМУ СТЫДНО ПОКАЗЫВАТЬСЯ В СТАРОЙ ОДЕЖДЕ
4. They'll be upset to hear the bad news. – ИМ БУДЕТ ЖАЛЬ СЛЫШАТЬ ПЛОХИЕ НОВОСТИ
5. І аm glad to have seen you again. – Я РАД ЧТО УВИДЕЛ ТЕБЯ ЕЩЁ РАЗ

3. Заповніть речення прийменниками:
1. A keyboard was adapted FROM the typewriter.
2. Special function keys can be used FOR special purpose IN different programs.
3. There are 10 function keys ON the top side of the keyboard.
4. Numeric data must be entered INTO the computer.
5. Joystick is usually associated WITH playing computer games.
6. A scanner permits entering text IN a computer.
(проверьте правильно ли я сделал , капсом это мой ответ .

mrANONIM11 mrANONIM11    2   23.04.2020 20:32    3

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