1. usually/she/afternoon/what/in/does/the/do? 2. were/nice/always/jenny/clothes. 3. television/in/the/tim/never/evening/watch. 4. usually/ann/for/cook/does/dinner/what? 5. he/his/doesn't/in/have/office/lunch/the, 6. like/chocolate/usually/children. 7. their/spend/how/they/weekend/do? 8. 7 o'clock/i/up/before/often/get. 9. always/enjoy/of/julia/her/parties/friends. 10. doesn't/in/cold/like/rostov/weather/he. составьте предложения. заранее .

Тимур00000000 Тимур00000000    2   07.09.2019 03:30    3

tatyanafd24 tatyanafd24  06.10.2020 22:19
What she usually does in the afternoon
T4ffy T4ffy  06.10.2020 22:19
1. what does she usually do in the afternoon?
2. Jenny clothes were always nice
3. Tim never watch television in the evening
4. What does Ann usually cook for dinner?
5. He does not have his lunch in the office.
6. Usually children like chocolate.
7. How do they spend their weekend?
8. I often get up before 7 oclock
9. He does not like Rostov in cold weather
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