1.Use the right modal verb: must, should, can, mustn’t, can’t
1.I think you … help your mother more often. 2 You … do your homework every day. It’s your duty. 3
We … play basketball very well, so always win the matches. 4 … I help you to carry the bags? 5 I … study
well at school. It’s important. 6 Pupils … chew gum at the lesson. 7 They … speak English because they
didn’t learn it at school. 8 I don’t think your sister … take up playing the piano. 9 You … chat on the
phone during the lesson.
2 Put the verbs in Present Simple or Present Perfect.
1 My father often (help) me with my homework. 2 Helen just (see) this film. 3 You (like) skiing in
winter? 4 We never (be) to Paris. 5 I sometimes (walk) my dog in the evening. 6 They (not/have)
lessons on Sunday. 7 Mike already (do) all the housework.

Во 2 упр. во предложения
напишите полностью.

Sashabolsun04 Sashabolsun04    2   19.05.2020 13:48    1

alinalisnenko alinalisnenko  19.05.2020 17:30

Хаха ізі але не скажу ххахахахааха


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