1) Use the article where necessary (Використай артикль, де потрібно) 1.Last summer we went to Paris and visited Louvre there. 2. Davidsons went to Alps last winter. 3. Malta is in Mediterranean Sea. 4.The capital of Turkey is Ankara. 5.My friend Carl lives in Czech Republic. 6. Madagascar is in Indian Ocean. 7.My classmate Boris has been to USA. 8. Browns live in Park Street. 9. Danube is the longest river in Europe. 10. Everest mountain is in Asia. 11. Vicky speaks German very well. 12. Eiffel Tower is in the centre of Paris. 13. Bahamas are not far from North America. 14. Mount Elbrus is in Caucasus Mountains. 2) Сorrect the sentences. (Виправ речення) Example: My friends live in USA. My friends live in the USA. 1 There are Carpathian Mountains in the east of our country. 2 Sahara desert is in Africa. 3 We try to speak the English well. 4 Children like to spend summer in Crimea. 5 Moon shines in the night sky. 6. Some seas have the names of colours: Black Sea, Red Sea, Yellow Sea. 7. What is capital of Ukraine? 8. The capital of United Kingdom is London. 9. These people are English. 10.Taras is from the Lviv.

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