1. use modal verbs: should, shouldn’t, must, mustn’t, have to, need, needn’t. a.) clark’s eyes are not very good. i think he wear glasses. b.) we see that film. it’s very good. can we cross the road here? - no, you it’s very dangerous. cross the road at the traffic lights. d.) - shall we put on our hats and coats? - no, you it’s quite warm outdoors. e.) the shop will be closed in two minutes. we stay here any longer. f.) they watch so much tv. g.) we missed our bus yesterday and go to school on foot. h.) - shall we go shopping today? – no, we we can do it tomorrow. 2. fill in the blanks. choose the right word. a. we (have to / should) come in time to school in the morning. b. she (must / should) take these pills (таблетки) twice a day after meals. c. you / have to) help to lay the table. d. they look very tired. they (have to / should) have a short holiday. e. children (have to / should) wash their hands before they eat. f. he (mustn’t / shouldn’t) eat so much ice-cream.

Bakha111 Bakha111    1   20.07.2019 01:40    1

madamnowiczkai madamnowiczkai  19.08.2020 13:56
1. a)should b) must c) shouldn't d) needn't e) shouldn't f) mustn't g) had to h) needn't 2. a) have to b) should c) must d) should e) have to f) shouldn't
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