1. употребите глагол в форме present simple или present continuous: dear donna, i … (write) to you from the golden beach hotel. i'm here with sandy and pam. the hotel… (belong) to pat's uncle and she (spend) every summer here. the place… (be) very nice and i … (think) all the people in the hotel… (have) a nice time. we… (swim) every morning. at noon we (have) lunch and in the evening we… (go) for walks. today it… (rain) so we can't go out. i… (hate) this weather. at the moment sand… (have) lunch. she (eat) fish today and it… (smell) very good. …(you/have) a good time at home? love, jessy. 2. дополните предложения глаголами из списка, употребив их в past simple в утвердительной, отрицательной или вопросительной форме. be clean start finish want do we weren't happy with the hotel. our room small and it very clean. i teeth three times yesterday. the concert 7.30 and 10 o'clock. when i was a child, i be a teacher. 'i cut my hand this morning.' 'how ? ' 3. употребите глагол из скобок в нужной форме (future simple/ present continuous). we go) to the theatre tonight. we've got tickets. 'what (to do) tomorrow evening? ' 'nothing. i'm free.' they go) away tomorrow morning. their train is at 8.40. i'm sure she lend) us some money. she's very rich. why are you putting on your coat? ' `i go) out.' 4. употребите глагол из скобок в нужной форме (past continuous/past simple). a: what you ) when the (ring)? b: i (watch) television. a: (be busy) when you ) to see her? b: yes, she ). a: what time post ) this morning? b: it ) while i ) breakfast. a: was margaret at work today? b: no, she /go) to work. she was ill. a: how fast ) when the police ) you? b: i don't know exactly but i /drive) very fast. 5. дополните предложения глаголами из списка, поставив их в форму present perfect. finish buy go see break 'can i have this newspaper? ' 'yes, i it.' i some new shoes. do you want to see them? 'where is liz? ' 'she .' i'm looking for paula. her? look! somebody window. 6. употребите глагол из скобок в нужной форме (present perfect/past simple). my friend is a writer. he (write) many books. we (not/have) a holiday last year. i (play) tennis yesterday afternoon. what time /go) to bed last night? (you/ever/meet) a famous person? rose works in a factory. ) there for six months. before that ) a waitress in a restaurant. ) there for two years but / enjoy) it very much. 7. употребите модальные глаголы can, may, must, need там, где это необходимо. you the letter now. you it tomorrow. paula italian but she speak french. he to come to the conference. he is so absent-minded! it's a fantastic film. you it. be happy! you be sad.

marceries marceries    1   19.05.2019 16:40    20

dashaegirova dashaegirova  12.06.2020 20:48

1/1. I am writing


3.the place is

4.I think

5.people have

6. we swim

7.we go

8.it rains

9.I hate

10.Sandy has

11.she is eating

12.it smells

13.do you have



3.started, finished


5.how did you do that?

3/1.are going

2.what will you do

3.they will go away

4.she will lend

5.I am going out

4/1.what were you doing when the phone rang?

2.I watched

3.was jane busy, came

4.was studying

5.did the post arrive

6.came, had

7.didn't go.

8.were you driving, stopped

9.was not driving

5/1.have finished

2.have bought

3.has gone

4.have you seen

5.has broken


2.did not have


4.did you go

5.have you ever met

6.has worked


8.has worked

9.didn't enjoy



3.can, can't



























































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