1. Укажите слово, в котором есть краткий ударный гласный звук
a) bored b) broad c) other d) short
2. They went to…South America.
a) the b)- c)a d)an
3. ….London stands on…Thames which flows into….North Sea.
a)-,-,the, b)-,the,- c)the, the, the d)-,the, the
4. There are many rivers in this country, the longest is….Severn.
a)the, b)- c)a d) a
5. .Christmas in England is celebrated on the:
a) 26th of December b) 7th of January c) 25th of December d) 25th of
Дополните предложения.
6. John doesn’t like to play with other children. He is very
a)no sociable b) not sociable c) unsociable d) sociabless
7. We saw a very building.
a) bored b) ancient c) grateful d) fascinated
8. My brother is strongest man in the world.
a) a b)an c) - d) the
Дополните предложения:
9. Two boys were going along the street.
a) quiet b) quietly c) quieten d) quite
10. We’d like this popular tourist place.
a) visit b) to visit c) visited d) be visited
11. Everybody enjoyed Jane’s story about her trip to Scotland. The information
___ really surprising.
a) was b) were c) are d) be
12. Jack London wrote many books about the gold rush in Alaska. He is a famous
a) write b) writing c) writes d) writer
Выберите правильную форму глагола
13. She says: “ I phone my friends every day”
a) She says that she phone friends every day
b) She says that she phones friends every day
c)She says that she phoned friends every day
14 Mother says to me “Don’t go for a walk today”
a) Mother asks me not to go for a walk today.
b) Mother tells me not to go for a walk today.
15. «What subjects do you like?” Granny says.
a) Granny asks what subjects I like.
b) Granny asks what subjects like I.
c) Granny asks what do I like.
16. If she feels bad, she …(stay) at home.
a) will stay
b) would stay
c) stays

1Али 1Али    2   21.04.2020 21:30    21

tanechkamaksim1 tanechkamaksim1  21.04.2020 22:30

во выражен некорректно

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