1.Translate from Russian English the expressions:
Маленький нос, прямые волосы, урне плечи, набирать вес, примерять брюки, рубашка в
полоску, инной вкус, худая девушка, ходить в спортивный зал, подходить по размеру
2. Transform the sentences from Active into Passive.
a) You must not park your car here. It's forbidden
b) Brazil is the country where you can find best coffee.
c) My granny will knit good socks for winter.
d) Pushkin wrote many poems and stories.
e) Yudashkin has designed a new collection of clothes for spring.
3. Answer the following questions.
1. What do you wear when it is hot?
I wear
2. What do you wear when it is rainy?
3. What do you wear at school?
4. What do you wear to the gym?
5. What do you wear for a special occasion?
6. Where do you wear trainers?
I wear trainers on my
7. Where do you wear mittens?
I wear
8. Where do you wear a tie?​

glebtomilovpop0 glebtomilovpop0    3   28.12.2020 11:11    5

kallor12 kallor12  27.01.2021 11:11
Translate from Russian English the expressionsb)
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