1.Tom was happy because he ... a new job. found

had found

2.Dave a ticket before he ... to the concert.

had bought, went

bought, had gone

3.She (live) in London for ten years before she moved to Paris.

had lived

had been living

4.She wanted to come with us but she ... (not/finish) her project.

did not finish

had not finished

5.Ann ... (already/leave) the party when Tom arrived.

had already left

had been aready leaving

6.Pam ... out with her friends after she had finished her homework.


had gone

7.Mrs Edwards biscuits by the time her children came home.

had made


8.Tom was exhausted because he ... in his lab all night.

had worked

had been working

Milana8211 Milana8211    3   17.12.2020 15:19    0

Dimaplayfifa1611 Dimaplayfifa1611  16.01.2021 15:20

1. кажется, had found

2. had bought, went

3. had lived

4. didn't finished

5. had already left

6. went

7. made

8. had been working

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