1. Today you are going to write an essay “ Visiting a city ”. Let's get to know the structure of it. (Сегодня вы напишите небольшое эссе. Количество слов - 60-80. Ознакомьтесь со структурой написания эссе) INTRODUCTION (specific points)
MAIN PART (main ideas of essay)
CONCLUSION (final points)
Before start writing an essay try to answer the following questions: (прежде чем начать писать эссе, ответьте на вопросы)
При написании эссе ЗАПРЕЩАЕТСЯ брать готовый материал из интернет ресурсов. Руководствуйтесь только предложенной структурой и вопросами по теме.

“Visiting a city”
1) What is your favourite city to visit ?
2) Are there many interesting places there? What are they?
1) What places do you enjoy visiting? Why?
2) What is the most exciting place to visit?
3) How does it look like? Describe it.
4) Why are these places popular among visitors?
Would you like to visit this city again? Why?
Descriptor A learner
• write about 50-60 words;
• provides grammatically correct sentences;
• answer all the questions;
• uses proper vocabulary;
• writes words accurately.

софья20054 софья20054    3   04.12.2020 17:02    1

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