1. ―To transform‖ means to change the shape, size, quality, appearance, etc. 2. ―Transformer‖ is an apparatus that transforms electric current from, one voltage to another.
3. To wither‖ is to become dry, faded or dead. So, flowers wither, the hot summer withers the grass. Sometimes our hopes may wither.
4. Which letter of the alphabet occurs most commonly? When did the idea occur to you?
5. As a rule one knows the geographical features of the district he lives in.
6. ―Mature‖ means ripe, fully grown or developed, carefully thought of; ready for use.

1. ―To transform‖ means to change the shape, size, quality, appearance, etc. 2. ―Transformer‖ is an

anait87 anait87    3   14.03.2021 08:58    3

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