1.Thousands of years ago, an ancient civilization raised a circle of huge, roughly (1) stones in a field in what is now Wiltshire, England. Stonehenge, as it would come to be called, has been a mystery ever since. Wild theories about Stonehenge have persisted since the Middle Ages, with 12th-century myths crediting the (2) Merlin with constructing the site.

1) separate 2) magician
1) circular 2) Monroe
1) rectangular 2) wizard

2.More recently, UFO believers have spun theories about ancient (3) and spacecraft landing pads.
But Stonehenge has inspired a fair number of scientifically reasonable theories as well. Here are few reasons Stonehenge might exist.

1)A place for burial Stonehenge may have originally been a(n) (4) for the elite, according to a new study.

3) civilizations 4) unmarked grave
3) aliens 4) cemetery
3) gods 4) mass grave

3.Bone fragments were first exhumed from the Stonehenge site more than a century ago, but archaeologists at the time thought the remains were unimportant and (1) them. Now, British researchers have
re-exhumed more than 50,000 cremated bone fragments from where they were discarded, representing 63
(2) individuals, from Stonehenge.
1) reburied 2) separate
1) dismissed 2) separated
1) discarded 2) separating

4.Their analysis, presented on a BBC 4 documentary on March 10, reveals that the people buried at the site were men and women in (1) proportions, with some children as well.

2. A place for healing

Another theory suggests that Stone Age people saw Stonehenge as a place with healing (2).

3. A soundscape

Or perhaps Stonehenge's circular construction was created to mimic a sound illusion. That's the theory of Steven Waller, a researcher in archaeoacoustics. Waller says that if two pipers were to play their instruments in a field, a listener would notice a strange effect. In certain spots, the sound waves from the (3) pipes would cancel each other out, creating quiet spots.

1) both 2) abilities 3) accoustic
1) equal 2) properties 3) dual
1) strange 2) characteristics 3) both

5.A team-building exercise

Or perhaps Stonehenge was something like an ancient team-building exercise. According to the University College London's Pearson, the beginning of the site's construction (1) with a time of increased unity among the Neolithic people of Britain. Perhaps (2) by the natural flow of the landscape, which seems to connect summer solstice sunrise and winter solstice sunset, these ancient people may have banded together to build the monument, Pearson suggested in June 2012.
1) corresponds 2) forced
1) falls 2) perplexed
1) coincides 2) inspired

OWERpass OWERpass    1   21.04.2020 18:44    32

galejyan2005 galejyan2005  22.04.2020 01:30

В той местности близ поля, где обитали пикси, жила-была одна старуха. У нее был домик и очень красивый сад, где на клумбе растила она прекраснейшие тюльпаны. Легенда гласит, будто пикси так восхищались этой клумбой, что приносили туда своих младенцев-эльфов и песнями убаюкивали их. Часто глубокой ночью можно было услышать милую колыбельную и в ночном воздухе плыла чудеснейшая музыка, словно созданная самими тюльпанами. Изящные цветы качали головками на вечернем ветру, будто задавая ритм собственной музыке. Как только младенцы-эльфы засыпали, убаюканные чудесными мелодиями, пикси возвращались на соседнее поле и начинали танцевать, оставляя круги на траве, доступные даже взглядам смертных. Так резвились они в ночное время.

Клумба с тюльпанами (Старая английская сказка).

Легенды старой Англии. Эдвин Хартленд.


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