1. This flower (look) simply wonderful. 2. Children found a letter last week and they (offer) a reward for it.

3. She asked if we (be ready) soon.

4. When we entered the bank he (cash) the traveller’s cheque.

5. This message (give) to him before she called him.

6. He (return) just from abroad and now he (unpack) his suitcase.

7. What your guests (treat) with for dinner tomorrow?

8. Pork chops (cook) in the kitchen now and the smell is delicious.

9. If you buy some eggs, I (can/make) an omlette for breakfast tomorrow.

10. She refused to do any more cooking and he (have/to do) it himself.

djugju djugju    3   02.12.2020 01:07    2

Okama Okama  01.01.2021 01:09

1.looks 2.offered 3.would be ready 4.was cashing 5.had been given 6.has just returned, is unpacking 7.What will your guests be treated with tomorrow? 8.are being cooked 9.will be able to make 10.had to do

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