1. They report that the criminal has escaped. 2. They believe that the universe is expanding. 3. They expect him to win. 4 They think he is hiding in another country.

SelfishDog SelfishDog    2   09.01.2021 09:31    1

Tupa1otdihayu Tupa1otdihayu  09.01.2021 09:40

1 and 3


mur181 mur181  09.01.2021 09:40

1 It is reported that the criminal has escaped. The criminal is reported to have escaped.

2 It is believed that the universe is expanding. The universe is believed to be expanding.

3 It is expected that he will win. He is expected to win.

4 It is thought that he is hiding in another country. He is thought to be hiding in another country.

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