1. They … for us near the door. a) Are waiting
b) Waits
c) Is waiting
d) Am waiting

2. They … a real tiger in the zoo.
a) Have saw
b) Have seen
c) Has saw
d) Has seen

3. Harry … television every day.
a) Is watching
b) Watch
c) Watches
d) Are watching

4. When … this wonderful hat?
a) Did you buy
b) Did you bought
c) Have you bought
d) Have you buy

5. What … in the room now?
a) They are doing
b) Are they doing
c) Do they do
d) They do

6. Mary … a lot of mistakes in her test.
a) Have make
b) Has make
c) Have made
d) Has made

7. Ann … French at all.
a) Isn’t speaking
b) Not speaks
c) Doesn’t speaking
d) Doesn’t speak

8. Mr. Scott … German to Ann at the moment.
a) Speaks
b) Is speaking
c) Are speaking
d) speaking

9. I am busy now. I … to the radio.
a) Am listening
b) Listen
c) Am listen
d) Listening

10. They … to the seaside every summer.
a) Are going
b) Goes
c) Go
d) Is going

11. No, I … the newspaper at the moment.
a) Am not reading
b) Don’t read
c) Don’t reading
d) Amn’t reading
12. No, she … in this house.
a) Isn’t live
b) Don’t live
c) Doesn't live
d) Lives not

nikitaursu11 nikitaursu11    1   24.12.2020 20:20    3

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