1. they divorced. a) am b) is c) are 2. i 18 years old. a) am b) is c) are 3. she pretty. a) am b) is c) are 4. we have got children. children are small. a) your b) our c) their 5. they are singers. names are igor and anna. a) your b) his c) their 6. are cars. a) that b) these c) this 7. is a cinema. a) these b) that c) those 8. trees in the park. a) there is b) there are c) it is 9. a woman near the car. a) there is b) there are c) they are 10. she many problems at school. a) have b) has c) haves 11. they at the party yesterday. a) didn’t be b) wasn’t c) weren’t 12. he with his friends in a café last week. a) was b) were c) are 13. i computer games in the evening. a) plays b) play c) playing 14. he to the radio in the morning. a) listens b) listen c) listening 15. they watch tv in the evening? a) are b) does c) do 16. she go out for a meal at the weekend? a) do b) does c) is 17. i go swimming. a) doesn’t b) aren’t c) don’t 18. she read comics. a) doesn’t b) isn’t c) don’t 19. i go to the gym. (often) a) i often go to the gym. b) often i go to the gym. c) i go often to the gym. 20 they divorced last year. a) get b) gets c) got 21. they fall out yesterday? a) did b) does c) is 22. we spend time outdoors last week. a) doesn’t b) didn’t c) aren’t 23. she to split up with her boyfriend. a) going b) is go c) is going 24. i to stay at home at the weekend. a) don’t want b) doesn’t want c) want not 25. he would like english classes. a) go b) going c) to go 26. it tomorrow. a) probably will rain b) will probably rain c) will rain probably 27. i might children tomorrow. a) look after b) to look after c) looking after 28. look at her. she (hurry) somewhere. a) is hurrying b) hurrying c) is hurry 29. where are the students? they (have) their english lesson. a) is having b) are having c) having 30. (their parents/walk) in the garden now? a) are their parents walk b) is their parents walking c) are their parents walking 31. i (not/speak) to her for weeks. a) haven’t spoken b) hasn’t spoken c) haven’t spoke 32. he break) his leg? a) has he broke b) has he broken c) have he broken 33. i just have) a sandwich. a) just have had b) has just had c) have just had 34. in the office where you work you make personal calls. a) can b) can’t c) don’t can 35. i get up early at the week because i don’t work. a) don’t have to b) have to c) can 37. what’s way to get to the airport? a) good b) the goodest c) the best 38. this is room in my flat. a) the comfortablest b) the most comfortable c) more comfortable 39. egypt is than finland. a) sunnier b) more sunny c) the sunniest 40. there are pictures on the wall. a) any b) some c) a 41. there aren’t cars in the street. a) any b) some c) a 42. bread do you eat every day? a) how many b) how far c) how much 43. there are people in the cinema. a) few b) little c) much 44. the sugar on the table. a) are b) is c) be 45. these hamburgers fantastic! a) are b) is c) be

Kuanova2005 Kuanova2005    3   10.07.2019 15:30    1

elfimovakd elfimovakd  03.10.2020 00:19
1. c
2. a
3. b
4. b
5. c
6. b
7. b
8. b
9. a
10. b
11. c
12. a
13. b
14. a
15. c
16. b
17. c
18. a
19. a
20. c
21. a
22. b
23. c
24. a
25. c
26. b
27. a
28. a
29. b
30. c
31. a
32. b
33. c
34. b
35. b
37. c
38. b
39. a
40. b
41. a
42. c
43. a
44. b
45. a
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