1. they are traveling in the north of thailand now. 2. maslenitsa is celebrated at the end of summer. 3. paul is good at sports. 4. we enjoyed the party. 5. nancy wants to be a teacher. 6. you like reading comedies. 7. lora has finished reading “ruslan and lyudmila”. знающие , перевести эти предложения в отрицательную форму. буду и 25 вам обеспечено)

Noora2017 Noora2017    2   25.08.2019 20:50    1

Arin0209 Arin0209  31.08.2020 21:40
1 They are not travelling in the North of Thailand now.
2. Maslenitsa is not celebrated at the end of summer.
3. Paul is not good at sports.
4. We did not enjoy the party.
5. Nancy does not want to be a teacher.
6. You do not like reading comedies.
7. Lora has not finished reading “Ruslan and Lyudmila”
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