1. they… always ready for repetition. a) be b) are c) is d) were 2. what she … now? a) do b) does c) is doing d) are doing 3. the pupils… four lessons yesterday. a) will have b) have c) had d) are having 4. we… to the museum the day after tomorrow. a) go b) am going c) shall go d) went

LizaOneLove8 LizaOneLove8    2   25.09.2019 19:10    1

volkovaw volkovaw  08.10.2020 19:06
1. Вариант б)
2. Вариант б)
3. Вариант д)
4. Вариант а)
sofiavasulyuk sofiavasulyuk  08.10.2020 19:06
1. They are always ready for repetition.
2. What is she doing now?
3. The pupils had four lessons yesterday.
4. We shall go to the museum the day after tomorrow.
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